Redfern Heat Pumps

44 Visitas

18 Devon Terrace, Plymouth, Devon, PL3 4JD, Reino Unido

Teléfono: 01752 967414
teléfono celular: 07815203590
Horas de Trabajo:

Lunes - Viernes : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Métodos de pago aceptados:

  • Efectivo
  • Tarjeta de débito
  • Tarjeta de Crédito

Sitio Web:


  • fontanero
  • contratista de calefacción de aire
  • plomería de refrigeración de calefacción
  • plomería
  • Instalación de Calderas y Servicios de Tune-up
  • Reparación de calderas y servicios de limpieza
Propietario: Mark Redfern


Heat Pump Installation


Redfern Heat Pumps specialise in the installation and servicing of Air Source Heat Pumps and Ground Source Heat Pumps, in addition to ancillary components such as Hot Water Cylinders, Radiators and Underfloor Heating.

Heat Pump Servicing


Redfern Heat Pumps specialise in the installation and servicing of Air Source Heat Pumps and Ground Source Heat Pumps, in addition to ancillary components such as Hot Water Cylinders, Radiators and Underfloor Heating.

Boiler Installation


At Redfern Heat Pumps, we are experienced, qualified, Gas Safe Registered heating engineers (Registration No. 942225) offering both Domestic and Commercial Boiler Services, including Boiler Servicing, Boiler Installation and Boiler Repair in Plymouth.

Boiler Servicing & Repair


At Redfern Heat Pumps, we are experienced, qualified, Gas Safe Registered heating engineers (Registration No. 942225) offering both Domestic and Commercial Boiler Services, including Boiler Servicing, Boiler Installation and Boiler Repair in Plymouth.

Underfloor Heating


Underfloor heating can be fitted in conjunction with air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps or gas boilers. At Redfern Heat Pumps, our reliable, Gas Safe Registered heating engineers can expertly fit your underfloor heating in Plymouth and the surrounding areas in Devon and Cornwall.

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